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Strong winds have made it difficult for small Boats as well as the Charter Boats to get out lately, however when they can get out there are sill some decent Fish about. Tope have been caught from marks around the Scars and from the Portwilliam area in Luce Bay, and also some very big sized ones from Portlogan and Portpatrick Marks have been recorded to around the 80lbs.

I fished from Portlogan on Sunday, the water was still a bit murky inshore from the Winds that howled all week, so we caught a few mackerel and headed out to a banking further offshore to try for Tope and Bullhuss, we never managed a Tope but had 4 Bullhuss up to about 12lbs, lots of Whiting ,Gurnards including 2 Reds and lots of Dogfish, slipped inshore for the last few minutes to spin for Pollack but only caught one about 21/2lbs.

TopeThe Pollack had been around in pretty good numbers and of good size up until the recent strong winds, hopefully they will appear again if we get a few settled days of weather.

LuceBay has been still throwing up a few Smoothhounds mostly to Crab Baits, also a few Thornbacks, Gurnards, Whiting, Dogfish etc. The Shore Fishing has also been pretty difficult mainly due to the windy weather, However still some nice fish being landed. L.S.A.A had their 2 day Species hunt the other week,which David Goupillot won with 7 Species which included a Bullhuss of 9lbs1oz and a Smoothhound of 6lbs1oz,which were weighed,measured ,photographed and returned.

Other species caught included Gurnards, Plaice, Mackerel, Wrasse and Dogfish.

Venues worth a try from the shore would be Killantringan,Yellow Isle, Cheese Rock,Tandoo pt. at Portpatrick, The Flat Rock at The Mull of Galloway, also West Tarbet for Conger and Wrasse, Mullhill at Portlogan and Ardwell bay,and also Finnarts Bay in Lochryan.
Tight Lines Eric

August 2014